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Sunday, July 18, 2010

Amazon parrots are very loyal companion birds.

Amazon parrots are very loyal companion birds.

Amazon parrots have instinctive behaviors and needs you should learn about to avoid problem behaviors.

Amazon parrots a typically good at mimicking human speech. Most amuse themselves destroying toys (at times while rolling on their backs), talking, singing, and playing with their companions.

These parrots have big strong beaks. It is important for those who plan to handle an Amazon take the time to learn each bird's specific personality before picking one up. Raised head feathers, flared tail feathers or eye pinning might result in a trip to the hospital for stitches for the human who ignores the bird's attempt to communicate.

Amazon parrots may go from quiet and cuddly to loud and aggressive in an instant. It's important to provide toys that they can fight and destroy so they can work out some of their natural aggression.

Hand raised Amazon parrots especially crave the attention and interaction with their human companions. If you aren't ready to give quality time to raising an Amazon and have the patience to deal with their hormones when they mature, then I would suggest you look for a different bird.

There are several common species that vary in both size and temperament. All Amazons are considered head strong and on the moody side.

Common Amazon Parrot:

Blue Fronted Amazon: Said to be a little more easygoing. Excellent talking and mimic ability. I read some great stories about their ability to sing songs.

Double Yellow Headed Amazon: Considered one of the best talkers. They are comical, head strong and usually outgoing.

Lilac Crowned Amazon: A favorite among many because of it’s sweet disposition and it’s beautiful colors. Known to have an even-tempered disposition and a little shy. Not known for their talking ability, but many become good talkers and singers.

Mexican Red Headed Amazon: Owners say these parrots are gentle, cuddly, affectionate and not as moody as other Amazons. Some owners say they are not the best of talkers and they are said to not go through as long a hormonal stage as the other Amazon Parrots.

Orange Winged Amazon: These parrots are often confused with the Blue Fronted. They are similar in personality and looks but there are differences. The Orange Winged is said to be a little more even tempered and an inch or two smaller. It’s upper mandible is lighter colored, often with dark streaks. It’s orange feathers are the best give-away, the Blue Front has red feathers instead.

Red Lored Amazon: Owners say these parrots are gentle, cuddly, affectionate and very loyal. Some owners say they are good talkers, but there are never any guarantees.

Spectacled Amazon: Also known as White-fronted Amazon. This is the smallest of the Amazon Parrots. It is said to make a good pet bird for both adults and children. Owners say it’s a fairly good talker and quieter than the larger Amazons. The female lacks the red edge on the wing.

Yellow Naped Amazon: Known to be very intelligent, affectionate and gentle but still headstrong. Can be very good talkers, and will form strong bonds with their owner.

Noise Level

All Amazon Parrots are loud at some time. Most are loud at sunrise and sunset, and when you aren’t giving them the attention or item they want. If you provide lots of toys for them to destruct and play with, and change them out often it will help. Also, you must spend quality time with your Amazon Parrot. Proper nutrition is also essential.

Visit our Parrot Training page for more information.

Cuddle Factor

Some Amazon parrots are cuddlier than others. Most of it depends on how they are raised as a baby and how they've been treated since then.

Amazon Parrots will often have a favorite person, and that will be the person they will cuddle with. Experts suggest that you socialize your Amazon Parrot when you bring it home so that it will be comfortable with many people handling them.

Even still, that is no guarantee that your Amazon Parrot will like other people. Some birds just pick one person to like. You can’t make a parrot like anyone, but you can help it tolerate them and accept them. (To learn more about training your parrot, click on the Parrot Training button to the left.)

Often a bird will not "like" someone because they feel that person's apprehension. Encourage people to relax when they handle your parrots. If they are really nervous, it might be best for them to wait until they have more confidence.

A bite from a large bird may spoil their future handling of that bird and other parrots too.

Sensitivity Factor

There is not a hard and fast rule for Amazon Parrots. Each species has different personality traits as listed above and each parrot will have a different personality, just like a child.

Known Behavior Problems

Amazon Parrots have a reputation for becoming extremely aggressive and/or vocal when they become sexually mature. You will have to spend some extra time and have extra patience to maintain a companion relationship during this time.

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