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Sunday, July 18, 2010

About Pigeon Loft

pigeons and a blog about its progress as well as an informative site about pigeons and their keeping as pets. Hopefully it build sup overtime into some sort of order.

I have been a ‘pigeon fancier’ for most of my life and in paticular I had bred and flown a breed called the Birmingham Rollers. As pigeon fanciers will know these are bred and then flown in kits of 20 and are judged for their performance in the air as a kit. Points are given for pigeoens simultaneously rolling. The more the pigeons break the greater the points accumulated, generally over a span of 20 minutes.

However due to my moving home I could not keep pigeons anymore. My new place doesn’t have my own private garden. But as a lifelong pigeon fancier its hard to be completely away from them forever thus I have bought myself a breed of pigeon called the ‘Iranin High Flyer’. I bought them from the first person I met thus I have no idea of the quality and excellence of his birds but as its only going to be as a little hobby it doesn’t really matter. I bought a breeding pair together with one squeaker (young bird approximately 4 – 5 weeks bred by them.

Ive made myself a breeding box and a small kitbox. which I placed on my small balcony. The kitbox could home a full kit of 20 Birmingham rollers as I originally had intended but for some reason Ive changed my mind and got myself the Persian Highlyers, these also tumble in the air and are endurandce flyers thus this sites going to be a little blog about my hobby and information on the breed, basically a diary and information point so I can learn about them too.

The first bit f good news is the hen has layed its first egg. They lay 2 eggs at a time. The second one is usually layed 40 hours later. The eggs take approximately 20-21 days to hatch so all systems are go.

Ive separated the squeaker and I hope to start flying him soon but I need to settle him, basically get him familiar with his new surroundings, just incase I let him out and he flys away not to return home. He will be quite key to training the future young ones becasue they will tend to follow his habits thus I need to make sure he is totally tuned in

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